Note: To play the video click or tap on the play button: or . In some browsers the play button is only in the lower left corner of the video.
Note: To play the video click or tap on the play button: or . In some browsers the play button is only in the lower left corner of the video.
Note: To play the video click or tap on the play button: or . In some browsers the play button is only in the lower left corner of the video.
Note: To play the video click or tap on the play button: or . In some browsers the play button is only in the lower left corner of the video.
Note: To play the video click or tap on the play button: or . In some browsers the play button is only in the lower left corner of the video.
Note: To play the video click or tap on the play button: or . In some browsers the play button is only in the lower left corner of the video.
Note: At this time, audio is only available for The Collected Works of Witness Lee and the Life-studies.
Note: To play the video click or tap on the play button: or . In some browsers the play button is only in the lower left corner of the video.
Note: To play the video click or tap on the play button: or . In some browsers the play button is only in the lower left corner of the video.
Maintenance updates.
Maintenance updates.
Maintenance updates.
Updates for 500LS app.
Code Cleanup.
Font updates related to 500LS requests.
Performance updates.
When Stay-signed-in feature is enabled, disable the Sign In / Sign Out button until loaded.
Fix minor UI issue on login form.
Fix Highlights that span multiple block elements.
Fix reader navigation in 500LS app.
Fix issue with highlights not saving properly.
Bug fixes.
Fixes for highlights issue.
Annotations page issues:
Code optimizations.
Fix issue with font sizes when viewing on 500LS.
Maintenance updates.
Added the next two issues of "The Ministry of the Word":
Maintenance updates.
Code optimizations and code fixes.
Fix error on Table of Contents for Collected Works titles.
Send users a reminder e-mail a few days before their subscription is set to renew.
Add missing charts on some titles.
Maintenance updates.
Maintenance updates.
Fix issue with stay-signed-in feature.
Maintenance updates.
Added the next two issues of "The Ministry of the Word":
Removed the option to pay for a subscription with a Bank Account. Current payment options are a credit cards or debit cards with a VISA or MasterCard logo.
Stay-signed-in feature not limited to just the home page. On sign-out, turn off the feature on the specific browser.
Option to stay signed in.
Better management of font-size selection on reader for both free and subscription users.
Updates to the layout of the 'Ministry of the Word' titles listing and reader pages.
Ability to expand scripture box.
Persist user-selected font size on table of contents and reader. Add a reset button to the font-size controls.
Fix pagination on 'Continue Reading' list.
Ability to mark Ministry of the Word titles completed.
Bug Fixes.
The Ministry of the Word is now available with your subscription. We have added the most recent issues from 2024 and will continue adding current issues, as well as past issues.
Other bug fixes.
Now available in your account section, go to the annotations tab to see all your highlights in one place. Here you will be able to sort, filter, and edit highlights you have made across all publications. Sort by date created, publication title, or by highlight color. Filter by color or by keyword(s). View your highlights in grid view or list view and choose how many highlights you want to view per page.
Ability to undo after using the delete 'All' highlights button.
Performance enhancements.
Minor bug fixes.
Minor bug fixes.
Beta release of the Annotations page.
Add undo "Undo last highlight" button.
Add a note with a link to free titles on the CWWL and CWWN page.
Performance updates.
Fix several issues with highlights library.
Remove duplicate Life-study entries of Second and Third John.
Fix duplicate header on tables after changing the number of items per page.
Other bug fixes.
Fix an issue with requests from the 500 Life-studies app.
Fix an issue with users restarting a subscription that had expired.
Add pagination to Invoices table in Account Information page.
Maintenance updates.
Remove duplicate Life-study entries of Second and Third John.
Fix duplicate header on tables after changing items-per-page.
Fix invalid link errors in CWWN, vol. 44.
Bug fixes.
Fix 'Show Filters' button on Search page.
UI Updates to Continue Reading list.
Performance updates and bug fixes.
Add Free column to Life-studies page.
Display completed date for 2nd ed. Life-studies.
Maintenance updates.
Added Life-study of the New Testament, second edition for subscribers.
Maintenance updates.
Maintenance updates.
Fix Terms Index entry.
Maintenance updates.
Add missing chart in Conclusion of the New Testament series.
Bug fixes.
Bug Fixes.
Maintenance updates.
Bug Fixes.
Maintenance updates.
Maintenance updates.
Add "Read More" buttons to search results to make those links more visible.
Maintenance updates.
Minor fixes.
Fix issue with the payment renewal process.
Improvements to the codebase.
Maintenance updates.
Added the ability to turn off highlighting when selecting text, choose a default highlight color, and options for removing highlights in your reading section.
Added a new User Settings page under Account. In addition to the highlight text selection option, also added the ability to remove page numbers from copied text.
More settings will be added to this page moving forward.
Minor Fixes.
Remove notice on successful sign-in.
Adjustments to capitalization rules.
Other fixes.
Maintenance release.
Audio resume playback stopped working on iOS devices.
Minor bug fixes and UI touch-ups.
Ability to view invoices and generate a PDF download on the Account Information page under Account.
Code cleanup.
Show Payment Information section in Account Information page for accounts with expired subscriptions so that users can update payment details.
Fix typos in Life-study of Psalms.
Fix sign-in issue on reading-portion requests from 500 Life-studies app for users with ampersands in username.
Bug fixes.
Page numbers added to the table of contents within the reader.
Correct the numbering and style of outlines split across multiple sections.
Fix the table of contents for the title Gospel Outlines.
Moved page numbers to the right of titles on CWWN and CWWL table of content pages.
We added the ability to pin a publication title so that it will remain at the top of your "Continue Reading" list. To pin a title, click or tap on the pin icon above the title:
To unpin, click or tap on the pin icon again. Pinning or unpinning does not update the “Accessed” time stamp, so when you unpin a title, it will go back to its original spot on the list.
You can pin as many titles as you would like.
Page numbers for the print volumes of CWWL and CWWN are now displayed to the right of each title.
Audio player updates for the upcoming 500 Life-studies app integration with this site.
Fixed issue with section navigation on CWWN, vol. 54, “How to Study the Bible.”
Fixed issue with audio player and issue when changing sections on CWWL, 1957, vol. 2, “The Testimony and the Ground of the Church.”
Updates in preparation for 500 Life-studies app integration with this site.
Fixed error when changing chapters / sections on CWWN, vol. 45: “Conferences, Messages, and Fellowship (5).”
Updates in preparation for 500 Life-studies app integration with this site.
Updates in preparation for 500 Life-studies app integration with this site.
When copying a portion of text, any page numbers in square brackets will be removed from the text copied to the clipboard.
Fix error when copying selection spanning multiple headers or paragraphs.
CSS touch-ups in reader.
Fix error when changing the chapter or section in Life Messages volumes.
Fix “next chapter” button (at bottom of reader) incorrectly disabled when not at end of title. This issue only affected titles with chapters that do not start on “1” (e.g., 22 (8 of 10)).
Reorganize Help menu pages and simplify the urls.
Updated the Help section to include a Support page that includes frequently asked questions, instructions, and a form to contact us for further assistance if needed.
Update pagination controls to better handle empty collections.
Several bug fixes.
Updates in preparation for 500 Life-studies app integration with this site.
Links from not working.
Add Captcha elements to Forgot Password and Forgot Username forms.
Bug fixes.
For the following pages, user can log in and remain on the same page (rather than being sent to the Dashboard):
For example, if user does a partial title search of “Crysta” in the High Peak Books list while signed out, the filtered list of titles will not have links to the reader, since Crystallization-study titles are subscription only.
If user then signs in, the title search results are not lost, and user can select a title to read:
Fixed Scripture search (without text) sorting by year. Sort was previously applied within batches of results, but not for the entire result set overall.
A-Z book title filter not handling multiple words.
Fix issue with navigation in title Watchman Nee—a Seer of the Divine Revelation.
Other bug fixes.
Updates in preparation for 500 Life-studies app integration with this site.
The "Continue Reading" list on the dashboard now uses pagination instead of displaying the most recent 5 titles.
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
Updates in preparation for 500 Life-studies app integration with this site.
Audio readings from the Life-studies are now being added to the site. We will continue to add them are they are completed.
Added a page under the help menu where users can find short help videos organized by category. More videos will be added to this page in the coming months.
Updates in preparation for 500 Life-studies app integration with this site.
Added this recent updates page to highlight new features added to this site. Upon signing in, a pop-up box will show initially after a new update with a brief description, but once closed or dismissed, will not show again until the next update. Visit this page to see more details about updates and a brief note about bug fixes.
Fixed error with bookmarks and 'mark completed' features on Elders' Training, Books 9-11.
The following titles are now available with a subscription:
Lesson Books
Life Lessons
Truth Lessons
Watchman Nee—a Seer of the Divine Revelation in the Present Age
Pagination and cover images have been added to the Continue Reading, Bookmarks, and Completed Titles lists in the My Account section.
Fixed issue with bookmarks and 'mark completed' features on The Spiritual Man series.