Scripture Reading: 1 Cor. 14:25; 11:25; Matt. 18:19-20; Acts 12:12; Rom. 15:16; John 21:15; 1 Thes. 2:7; Heb. 10:24-25; Eph. 4:12; 1 Cor. 14:1, 3-5, 31; Rom. 14:1, 3; 15:7; Eph. 4:1-6; 1 Cor. 1:10-13; Rom. 16:17; Titus 3:10; Matt. 20:25-27; 23:8-11; 1 Pet. 5:5

In the previous chapter we saw our responsibility for the spreading of the divine truths. A great part of the divine truths we have received from the Bible is based upon the light the Brethren received in the nineteenth century. Those who know the Bible recognize that the best theology is Brethren theology. The notes in the reference Bible written by Dr. C. I. Scofield are mostly from the teachings of the Brethren. This Bible was very popular in the early part of the twentieth century. Based upon the help we received from the Brethren, the Lord has gone on in His present recovery to show us many more divine truths. We need to pick up the burden to spread these truths to the crucial parts of the world.

In this chapter we want to see the way to spread the Lord’s recovery in the countries of Europe. A recent article in The San Francisco Chronicle quoted Dr. J. Gordon Melton’s word that said, “New religious movements are finding fertile soil in Europe where low church attendance and a changing world order have led to a search for spiritual alternatives.” This shows that some need to go to Europe to meet the real need of the seeking ones with the divine truths from the holy Word. After the four-day, four-hour war with Iraq, I received a burden to “invade” Europe with the divine truths of the Lord’s recovery.


We need to see how to carry out the spread of the Lord’s recovery in the countries of Europe. Our going to Europe should be neither by a work nor by a movement but by emigration.

Europe has changed, and the people there are looking for something new. Thus, we should go there in an absolutely new way with nothing traditional. Recently, I was wondering why we have had to pass through so much opposition, persecution, and even rebellion in these past seven and a half years since 1984. I believe that I received the answer. The Lord has prepared us during these seven and a half years to get a new way to meet the new need in Europe. Before 1984 we would not have been able to go to Europe with something new in practice. We could only have gone there with the old, traditional way of meeting and serving. In these recent years I have put out many messages on the God-ordained way. Thus, while the Lord has been preparing Europe, He has used the same period of time, the last seven and a half years, to prepare us in His way of meeting and service as revealed in the New Testament.

Due to the recent changes in Europe, the people there are ready to receive something new from the West. We should not go there with our old “philosophy,” our old way. In the previous chapter I begged us to have a change in our “philosophy.” The young people there do not want any old element of Christianity. They want something new. We need to go to Europe with the Lord’s new way, the God-ordained way. We should go to Europe by emigration, not by a work or by a movement. We will be warmly welcomed because the people there want to receive new things from the Western world. Some of the young people in eastern Berlin begged the brothers to send people there to teach them the Bible.

Some Emigrating There to Live the Lord
and Serve the Lord Full Time

Some can emigrate to Europe to live the Lord and serve the Lord full time. We should go there to live Christ and serve Him.

Some Emigrating There to Take a Job
or Do a Business and Serve the Lord

Some can emigrate there to take a job or do a business and serve the Lord. One brother reported that one of the best businesses for the American brothers in Eastern Europe is the remodeling of old houses. This is because the houses there are very old and in need of much work.

Some Emigrating There
to Study in a School and Serve the Lord

Some can emigrate there to study in a school and serve the Lord. I would recommend that some go there to be “professional students.” In other words, those who go to school should plan on remaining in school for the Lord’s work on the campuses. The longer they stay in school, the better it is. This is because they can spend their time contacting the students for the Lord’s interest. I hope that many young people among us would go to the universities in Europe to be professional students teaching the divine truths. It is glorious and worthwhile to be such a student, contacting other students daily with the Lord’s truths. I believe that some students who go to Europe can bear new fruit monthly like the tree of life in the New Jerusalem.

All Being Burdened by the Lord
and Having a Clear Guidance from the Lord

All those who want to go to Europe should be burdened by the Lord and have a clear guidance from the Lord.