As believers, we should also be those who plant and water. From reading verses 6 and 7, we may get the impression that only certain ones like Paul and Apollos can plant and water. But we should not think that only the leading ones or those who share in the ministry of the Word can do the planting and the watering. No, everyone of us should both plant and water.

Some saints may have the concept that we are either planters or waterers, but not both planters and waterers. A brother who does the work of planting may feel that he should not water what he has planted, regarding that as the work of another brother. He may think of himself as the planter and suppose that someone else should do the watering. To view the matter of planting and watering this way is to be according to our natural concept. If we turn to our spirit and exercise our spirit, we shall not care whether we are a planter or a waterer. Instead, we shall simply carry on the work of planting and watering.

Some may not water other believers because they are afraid that they will damage them by watering them too much. However, it is better to make a mistake and cause some damage than to not water others at all. Although you may make some mistakes, you will help many others to grow in the Lord. I encourage you all both to plant and to water.


Although feeding, drinking, eating, planting, and watering are all important, the greatest need is growth. We can plant and water, but God alone makes to grow. As far as the growth in life is concerned, God is everything. Because only God can make to grow, in our feeding, planting, and watering, we must be one with the Triune God. This means that we need to carry on the feeding, the planting, and the watering in the organic union with the Lord. Then, whenever we feed, He will also feed. He will feed in our feeding. The same should be true of our planting and watering. Before I give a message, I desperately pray, “Lord, speak in my speaking. Lord, cause me to be one spirit with You in my speaking in a very practical way.” Then I can have the full assurance that while I am speaking, He is speaking also. I have the boldness to declare that I am one spirit with the Lord and that He is now one spirit with me. Without Him, whatever I speak will amount to nothing.

I may plant and water, but I have neither the ability nor the substance to cause others to grow. Growth comes from God alone. Whenever He comes in, He causes us to grow. Although only God can make to grow, He Himself will do neither the planting nor the watering. He will not plant or water apart from us, just as He will not appear and speak to the saints directly. Instead, He speaks to others in our speaking. This means that God must have a man to cooperate with Him for speaking, planting, and watering. When we plant and water, He will also plant and water. How wonderful that we are not serving a dumb idol, but are serving the living God! In our service, He serves the saints.

I do not trust in my speaking. My speaking in itself does not carry any weight. However, I often have the assurance that when I open my mouth to speak, He speaks also. Through my speaking, He flows forth into the saints. My trust is altogether in the Lord’s speaking in my speaking. My only secret is the Triune God Himself. Apart from the Triune God, I am nothing. If it were not for Him, I would die.

We all first need to enjoy the Lord by breathing, drinking, and eating. There are many ways to drink of Him and also many ways to eat Him. We can partake of the Lord by pray-reading, by attending the meetings, and by having fellowship with the saints. We can also receive the life supply by reading certain spiritual books. There are many ways to enjoy the Lord. The more we enjoy Him, the more we shall be saturated with Him. Then we shall have the burden to feed others, to plant, and to water. If we are one with the Lord in our feeding, planting, and the watering, the Lord will come in spontaneously to cause others to grow in life.